Saturday, July 19, 2014

V&A Waterfront

Today I spent a misty but beautiful afternoon exploring the V&A Waterfront. Named for the Alfred & Victoria Hotel that was built on the waterfront, the area is part heavy industrial park, part tourist attractions, with a bit of boating thrown in for good measure. The city of Cape Town used to have several canals running throughout (take that, Venice!) but they have all been filled in and are no longer in use, save for one.

So today, they make use of one of their best assets, the waterfront; I overheard someone say that it is Cape Town's most visited area of the city. And I think I can understand why. The area is very clean, well patrolled by private and public security officers, and contain higher-end shopping and eating venues for visitors. I, myself, had a couple of brews and dinner at Mitchell's Brewery while watching rugby this evening. Now, for the record, the only thing I understand about rugby is that those guys look really great whilst trying to hurt one another. Nonetheless, it's an enjoyable way to pass the time.

On site, there is a market for those with a finer pallet than mine, as well as a a wheel akin to the London Eye. Why does the wheel look as though it's abandoned or place where killer clowns might descend from outer space? Because that's how I feel about these types of attractions. They might as well have written CAUTION: WHEEL MIGHT DETACH AND ROLL INTO THE OCEAN on it, because that's what I'm guessing will one day happen. I might be wrong, but you can't disprove it. (Side note: those who were actually enjoying the wheel were, ya know, actually enjoying it.)

Sculpture near-ish to the area (I love this because it looks as thought it's saying "This is faaaaaabuloooous!")

There is also an aquarium at the waterfront, which is a bit smallish but is definitely a fun place for families to spend a couple of hours (Again, this is an observation that I made from afar. I did not kidnap children and force them to hang out with me at the aquarium... for very long.). The best part of the aquarium (in my humble opinion) are these guys. 

There's not much to say about the penguins, except that they aren't behind glass like at other aquariums. These guys exist in an enclosure that has about a four foot tall-ish fence around it- you could reach in and nab one, if you really wanted. Not that anyone would do that (Anahit.. I'm winking at you), but the option is there, if one so desired. 

And to end the day, a bit of train art. 


1 comment:

  1. "One&only" hotel sounds very inviting. (Sounds more like there is no other option, you are stuck ...)..Surprised to hear that they have "private security" even at the waterfront...Any trip to one of the townships yet? Will be interesting to hear the residents ' personal stories.
